Advanced Certificate of Nutrition & Health Coaching course
Become a Nutrition & Health Coach
Advanced Certificate of Nutrition & Health Coaching – User-friendly, flexible, self-paced online Health & Nutrition Coaching course qualifies you for professional membership and indemnity insurance as a Health & Nutrition Coach.
As a Health & Nutrition coach, you can work with clients and groups to provide personalised health and nutrition advice, assessments, and customised food, nutrition and health programs. You can offer guidance on food choices, kilojoules/calories, macronutrient ratios and targets, micronutrient needs, dietary quality, and meal and recipe planning and hydration to optimise health and reduce nutritional and lifestyle risk factors for chronic disease. As a Nutrition & Health Coach you can also work with your clients to improve their health, fitness, and lifestyle habits, including physical activity, stress management, sleep quality, mindset, body weight, fat loss and body composition goals.
To find out more about membership and insurance please see our information page.
- Online, self-paced Nutrition & Health Coaching course (yes, you can call yourself a nutritionist, read more here).
- Self-paced and user-friendly. Get started whenever you’re ready.
- Automatic eligibility for professional recognition and professional indemnity insurance as a Health & Nutrition Coach.
- Online classroom with all necessary materials, plus a personalised printed course pack including textbook, express posted (or Air Mailed).
- Comprehensive, easy-to-understand education in the latest health and nutrition science, as well as practical health coaching principles and techniques.
- Course developed and supported by Australian nutrition professionals and industry experts.

Course Fee
$895.00 – includes all course materials including printed course packs, online classroom access, video tutorials and learning support. AfterPay interest free instalment payments available.
Course duration
150 hours (3 x 50 hour courses) self-paced over 6 months. You can complete your courses as quickly as you like or extend your studies at no extra cost (conditions apply).
Professional membership & insurance as a Health & Nutrition Coach
By completing the Advanced Certificate of Nutrition & Health Coaching, you have the option to take out professional membership and indemnity insurance through IICT as a certified Health & Nutrition Coach. You will be able to provide personalised health, nutrition and lifestyle advice, plans and programs including: calorie/kilojoule targets, macronutrients (protein, carbohydrate and fat ratios and targets), fibre, vitamins, minerals, meal, food and recipe guidance for optimal health and nutrition. As a Health & Nutrition Coach, you can help clients optimise their health by focusing on weight loss, fat loss, ideal body composition, physical activity, sleep, stress management, chronic disease prevention, and overall health and lifestyle goals.
To find out more about membership and insurance please see our information page.
Course delivery and start dates
- Enrol and start whenever you’re ready (online login details will be sent same business day).
- Self-paced online study plus complete, professionally printed course packs including texts and assessments express posted to you.
- Your online classroom contains everything you need to complete your studies including ebook versions of texts, video lectures, tutorials and practice quizzes.
Satisfaction Guarantee
If for any reason you are unhappy with your course in the first 14 days we will refund your course fees (conditions apply).
Course prerequisites
There are no prerequisites for the Advanced Certificate of Nutrition & Health Coaching. Completing this course is a prerequisite for Sports & Exercise Nutritionist modality.
Study support
Ongoing, friendly academic support from highly qualified Australian nutritionists via online classroom, email, phone or Zoom. We can also help you with your assessment questions if you need a hand.
Course structure and assessments
The Advanced Certificate of Nutrition & Health Coaching includes three subjects, each with an open-book, self-paced written assessment that includes multiple-choice, short-answer and case-study questions. You will also be required to submit video of yourself coaching a client (or a friend), demonstrating your ability to provide nutrition and health guidance and coaching.
Course Format (3 subjects)
- Subject 1: Nutrition & Diet (Certificate)
- Subject 2: Nutrition, Stress Management & Mental Wellbeing (Certificate)
- Subject 3: Health, Nutrition & Weight Loss Coaching (Certificate)
Course Pathways: You can work towards the Advanced Certificate of Nutrition & Health by completing each subject as a separate certificate course (see Enrolment Terms and Conditions).
Advanced Certificate of Nutrition & Health Coaching – Course Outline
Subject 1: Nutrition & Diet (50 hours) 15 CECs for AusActive Fitness Professionals
Nutrition & Diet is a comprehensive, practical introduction to the science of nutrition, dietary analysis and nutrition coaching. The course is a user friendly balance of nutritional research and scientific principles with a practical approach to providing nutritional advice and coaching.
- Nutrition & Diet Subject Outline:
- Module 1: Principles of Nutrition & Diet
- Module 2: Digestion
- Module 3: Carbohydrates
- Module 4: Protein and amino acids
- Module 5: Dietary fats
- Module 6: Vitamins
- Module 7: Minerals and water
- Module 8: Energy Balance
- Module 9: Body weight composition and health
- Module 10: Understanding food labels and common food concerns,
- Module 11: Nutrition throughout life stages.
- Assessment: Open book written assessment that you complete in your own time plus video of you providing nutritional advice and coaching.
Subject 2: Nutrition, Stress Management & Mental Wellbeing (50 hours) – 10 CECs for AusActive Fitness Professionals
Nutrition, Stress Management & Mental Wellbeing explores the nutritional concepts and practical strategies for Health & Nutrition Coaches to coach clients to optimise healthy stress response and mental wellbeing.
- Nutrition, Stress Management & Mental Wellbeing Subject Outline:
- Module 1: How diet impacts mental wellbeing
- Module 2: The brain, mental wellbeing and stress response
- Module 3: Healthy weight and mental wellbeing
- Module 4: Carbohydrates, brain function and mental wellbeing
- Module 5: Protein, brain function and mental wellbeing
- Module 6: Dietary fats, brain function and mental wellbeing
- Module 7: Foods, hydration, nutrients and bacteria associated with mental wellbeing
- Module 8: Physical activity, brain function, stress and mental wellbeing
- Module 9: Practical application and referral recommendations.
- Assessment: Open book written assessment that you complete in your own time plus video of you providing nutritional advice and coaching.
Subject 3: Health, Nutrition & Weight Loss Coaching (50 hours)
Health, Nutrition & Weight Loss Coaching steps you through the nutritional concepts, practical dietary and lifestyle strategies to provide health and nutritional advice and coaching for clients and groups. Learn how to help your clients reach their health, nutrition, body weight and body composition goals. This course will step you through the nutrition science, health research and psychological approaches to help optimise your client’s health.
- Health, Nutrition & Weight Loss Coaching Subject Outline:
- Module 1: Health impact of overweight and obesity
- Module 2: Assessing and classifying overweight and obesity
- Module 3: Energy balance
- Module 4: Nutritional strategies for weight loss and permanent weight management
- Module 5: Carbohydrate foods and the glycaemic index for weight management
- Module 6: Dietary fats and weight management
- Module 7: Protein and weight management
- Module 8: Body fat storage and utlisation
- Module 9: Physical activity targets and strategies for weight loss and management
- Module 10: Stress, emotions and body weight
- Module 11: Behaviour modification, motivation and weight loss
- Module 12: Socioeconomic and psychological influences on health & wellbeing
- Module 14: Models of health behaviour and change
- Module 15: Sleep and health
- Assessment: Open book written assessment that you complete in your own time plus video of you providing nutritional advice and coaching.
Nutrition & Health Coaching course professional recognition and insurance

By completing the Advanced Certificate of Nutrition & Health Coaching you have the option to access professional indemnity insurance via the IICT as a Health & Nutrition Coach. This insurance covers you to provide personalised health and nutrition advice, programs and plans (including food, nutrient, macronutrient and kilojoule / calorie recommendations for body weight and health) and coach clients with their nutrition, eating patterns, meal and menu planning, body weight, sleep, physical activity, stress management, lifestyle and health goals.
Can I call myself a nutritionist with this course?
If you want to, yes. Please see our information page.
To find out more about becoming a Health & Nutrition Coach read our guide here
To find out more about studying nutrition and or dietetics at a degree / university level please see here.
Course Tutor

Kristen Beck (Registered Nutritionist – Nutrition Society of Australia)
Qualifications & Memberships:
- Juris Doctor (RMIT University – currently studying)
- Master of Human Nutrition (Deakin University)
- 2018 Deakin University Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Outstanding Achievement
- Postgraduate Certificate in Education Studies (Higher Education) (Macquarie University)
- Bachelor of Health Science (University of New England)
- Advanced Diploma of Naturopathy (Nature Care College)
- Diploma of Nutrition
- Diploma of Homeopathy
- Diploma of Botanical Medicine
- Registered Nutritionist (RN042) – Nutrition Society of Australia
- Professional member Australian Traditional Medicine Society (ATMS)
Kristen is also a highly experienced academic and media commentator who regularly appears on shows including Channel 7 Sunrise, A Current Affair, The Project.
click here to find out more about Kristen’s qualifications and professional experience
What our students say about the Advanced Certificate of Nutrition & Health Coaching course
“The way this nutrition course was presented gave me all the answers I’ve had in my head for years. Thank you!” Luke Tobin, QLD
“Very well presented and easy to follow and comprehend, easy to access resources. Very professional and well-balanced. Course suited for all learning abilities” (name withheld)
“Just wanted to say thank you for making this course available. The content of this course was presented clearly and enjoyable to read and comprehend. It was fantastic to have the learning resources in hard copy and a true delight that I could take these with me and utilise those spare moments. Human nutrition is a wonderful area of study and I look forward to implementing my new skills.” Bree G, VIC
“I liked the fact that the course was short enough to tackle while working full time, but detailed enough that I felt like I was learning a lot” Cal Spencer, QLD
“Enjoyable, professional, great quality product and resources” Coral, QLD
“Thanks, I got a lot out of all three courses I did” Astrid, QLD
“It was easy to complete in the time frame given, especially due to being a full-time, working mum” Tasha Johnson, NSW
“The content was easy to understand, I really enjoyed the course and felt I learnt a lot” Angelica, WA
“I really liked the flow from one subject into another. Very happy with the structure of the course. Many thanks” Mandy, QLD.
“I really enjoyed the course, it expanded my knowledge of nutrition into greater depth, in ways that can help myself with my own diet and also help my clients and my business. I also really enjoyed having a physical textbook to read from, it made it easier to study as I find reading in front of a computer screen all the time makes me tired and I fall into distractions easier (end up surfing the web, facebook, youtube etc). The content was easy to understand and follow, I think it was well structured. I have thought hard about how the course can be improved and I’m not too sure, as I thoroughly enjoyed it just the way it is. I liked the learning activity questions as applying knowledge is a great way to learn and I liked having the videos as well to supplement my learning”. Matt, NSW.
“The course material was very easy to read and understand. Thank you for everything, I really enjoyed the courses I completed” Meredith Van Lierop, VIC.

Completing the Advanced Certificate of Nutrition & Health Coaching means you can join the IICT as a professional member and access discounted professional indemnity insurance as a Health & Nutrition Coach to give personalised nutritional advice and health programs to optimise health and nutrition. Click here to find out more about nutrition coach insurance options
Questions? Please contact us. We’d love to hear from you.